Thursday, May 28, 2009

Yeast And Frequent Urination

Bugia! Bugia!

Ah mangnifico Prime Minister we have!

" Dear friend, dear friend ,
one year from the last election we are faced with a short but decisive campaign. In a few weeks the Communists have succeeded in the record to smear negative with lies my reputation, built with hard work in 50 years of hard work with the help of the lawyer Cesare Previti and bibliophile, Marcello Dell'Utri. The unjust conviction for corruption of Mills, I have never known by the Gandus red gown, and my alleged association with an underage girl named Naomi, a girl of good family and spotless as his father said Benedict Letizia, are a scandal. The image of our country's image abroad has been seriously damaged because of the judiciary and the left skewed.
To repair the damage should be given more powers to the executive and limit the excessive power of the judiciary and this will be my clear and urgent duty.
The vote of the electors at the next European elections will confirm the goodness of my Government to decide: from incinerators landfills, nuclear power plants, the Messina Bridge, the appointment of ministers and Carfagna Brambilla
The left, in this truly Stalinist accused myself of having wanted to escape the view of the judiciary with the Lodo Alfano. Nothing could be further from the truth. The Lodo Alfano was conceived in the interest of the Italians, to ensure the first four positions in the State, not just the Prime Minister, the right serenity of their duties for the duration of the mandate. In Italy
the information is in the hands of the left, so I ask you to spreading this leaflet and explain the contents to your friends and relatives. I'm working on
these days a true register of the defenders of freedom of information. They include, among others, Belpietro, Scarlett, Riotta, Giordano, Faith and Mimun. You so please contact your local coordination, the provincial or directly to the offices in Milan and Rome to get in touch with them. If you are a girl of age and good looking you can send your book along with the mobile phone number.
We face a major challenge, a decisive match for the fate of our country, our families and our children. It 'time for you too fall in the field to protect Italy from a reckless management and a future illiberal.
A big hug and a thank you heart,
your papi, Silvio Berlusconi



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