Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Cover Letter For Phone Shop

Nothing 'as a gift

Compared to the oddities of my life, how one thing changes from day to day, again and again (and I can not get used to or understand the ultimate meaning), I blend a question in my head.
persistent and urgent, like all the naive questions:
'but why'? "

Words yesterday seemed spontaneous and sincere, today shine in the silence of disbelief and mild distrust. There will be no exaggeration to 'a well in between.
Onesta, hesitant, clean, friendly and affectionate. Or not?

Nothing is a gift, everything is on loan.
are indebted to the neck.
I will be forced to pay for me
with myself,
to make life in exchange for his life.

is how things are, should be made

heart and liver should be made
and each finger.

is too late to avoid the contract. How much do I

I will be removed with the skin.

I'm going for the world
among a crowd of other debtors. On some

imposed the obligation to pay the wings. Other
will, willingly or by force,
give an account of the leaves.

Give every tissue that is in us.
not an eyelash, not a stalk
be preserved forever. The inventory is accurate

and apparently we'll stick with anything.

I can not remember where, when and why I allowed to open myself

that account.

call soul
protest against it.
And this is the only thing
that there is no inventory.

Wislawa Szymborska

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Adapter Ethernet Fw800

Metal Sider - Battle of Heavy-Metal Band in Genovese

Like the first Saw, the first kiss or the first note on the register also the first metal record we can not forget. For me it was Judas Priest's Screaming For Vengeance: a revelation which marked the beginning of a pilgrimage on the path of heavy metal, while the Walkman's Iron grind, Ozzy, Megadeth - almost all - copied on cassettes that my mom was in the drums Dixan and Lele "Tg-Trash" Massucco had taught me re-virgin with two pieces of tape applied to the upper extremities.

Thanks to me and a few other bad part of the first great master of the Lyceum C Nicholas of Recco became metalheads over a summer, then during the years, the current format and factions with some curious results. Among these the most extreme was that of Andrea Benedictines who had passed from Motley Crue to Metallica and Slayer to Death to the boxes of the Vic 20, which - if you listen to on a normal plate - emit trills and whistles unbearable for most, but not for Andrea ears that liquifacevano to please the new sound he called the Ultra-Trash Metal.

Marrying the metal meant well put a big cross on - however remote - possibility of exploring the innards of some of his classmates, in fact, the only thing there was to be deflowered was some BASF cassette pack standa rubavamo that when the promotion ended Dixan. Obviously the relationship with parents was not the easiest. These, avendoci raised on bread and Celentano, certainly could not accept a radical change in our musical tastes and style of dress. I still remember his face swollen the poor that Gerardo had applied to your nail Merceded used the arms of his father, this one, brand-new.

With Metal Sider I Metallicissimo Edo and we wanted to joke a bit with those memorable years imagining a battle among the most important metal bands, of course, in Genoa. We hope to please everyone as pleasure the two videos that are part of this post: The Kickapoo and Metal, the first from the film and the second from a Tenacious D concert, the group of comedian Jack Black too much too old to rock, too But too die youg .

Ps eye to the word "chode" who speaks little Jack Black in Kickapoo: is a term coming from university now widespread throughout the U.S. that defines the area between the anus and scrotum, and that little Jack would like to lick the Santa!

2 Ps do not miss the dance The Metal (RB)

Monday, September 13, 2010

Can I Work In A Kitchen With A Chest Infection


"And I thought to life, it is surreptitious,
and rarely shows his reasons on the surface, and instead
his true path is deep,
like an underground river. "

There are moments and people that can simultaneously touch the point where I feel pain and pleasure. They even notice it and wonder is right there '. And it 'an exchange absolutely spontaneous, impromptu, tonic.

E 'for you then that thought.
you and your sea, your new nest and your notes very much, even when they are out of tune.
to your tenderness, and that 's a bit mine too. From
to them ;-) They

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Whereabouts Of Mysore Mallige Actors

' s spring even if it rains ...

life course and 'really amazing.
Maybe it's me that I continue to be amazed, but I think this and say this.

For a series of fortuitous coincidences esitenziali "I'm sudiando as Carer. That already 'the word says it all: Carer and' someone who cares for someone else. In this case, I might in future work as a Social Worker with the elderly with dementia, the Aboriginal children misfits, geeks in general.
I, you see? I do not feel at all adapted to this life, that just do not understand, I hear it running through me like hot wax. I who always sought someone to take care of me. But so is' at the moment. And I do not mind at all.

The same "existential fortuitous coincidences" have made it possible to get a job "casual" in a psychiatric hospital. Right now I am also studying. So I happen during the week to go to UNI Tuesday through Thursday and work on other day.

but so is' at the moment. And I do not mind at all.

have contact with patients, with the "crazy" is exciting to me.
was not expected. I did not think that I would be close. It often happens instead of speaking, have a laugh, to ask: "How are you?" and be told: "Every day is' a gift."

also happens to meet the angels in hell (why 'and the', believe me) to whom you smile 'cause you can not do otherwise. 'Cause to smile when you help them to eat with their hands trembling frantic for the medicines they take.
While you instead of you, it breaks the heart.
Sometimes they ask you to smoke a cigarette outside together.
But you can not 'and you should not.
But you can 'say something like: "Hello sweet, you should ask the nurse. But outside, in your garden (which looks like a cage for the tigers) are blooming camellias know?
Valley to look for me. Even if it rains and 'spring, the camellias are blooming "

So can' happen that when you get back in the dining room to put in order, you will find dozens of camellias. On the tables. Chairs. On the shelves.

"A syringes, 'cause even if it rains and' spring here,"

It should not surprise me?

I was born March 21, the first day of spring when the camellias are in bloom. And
for 7 wonderful years, my birthday, I received a gift a bunch of white streaked with red camellias. Gathered by hand tired and kind. In a bush in the backyard of a house in Sicily dell'700.

Dr. G and its camellias. Our camellias.
Always in my heart until the end of my days.