Sunday, March 14, 2010

Smothering Satine Pic

How, how ... A gleaming

as ... you can still vote for Labour! Sudaustraliani, this man is not 'good enough !
E 'dirty, dishonest, infamous, sinister, how can you trust him??

him, the shame of the Minister for Road Safety South Australia, and 'guilty of heinous crimes.
has collected 60 FINES!

has 'permission to exceed the speed limit'! (And chest, as I understand, I have the same azziccato $ 200 'cause I went to 61 with a limit of 50, the road just a pirate!)
But not all ... that's incredible, the' Ignoble dared to talk on the phone while driving and it 'ran a red light! But

joke, like how dare a CRIME!
But there are politicians in this country!?
fucking joke ...??!!

Eh, I do not know you but for me there 'to be moved ...

What is most 'absurd this "terrible" and "aggressive" campaign of denigration (ah ah ah) and' I'm poor man could not seriously be re-elected (and did a great job, especially by empowering and punishing drivers after drinking) because 'is not proper for a politician such behavior. Regrettable, reprehensible, disreputable. Fines, mah!

Vamos ...


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