Saturday, April 3, 2010

Lyric Yi Fen Zhong Ying Xiong

a day of ordinary madness.

[ Massive Attack • Pray for rain ]

Milan at Easter is empty. It's a little 'as the Milan of August, only with the rain.
But I must have some sort of special appeal for people crazy.
In fact, despite the desolation of the city, but today I managed to meet the beauty of four crazy around the city.

Way. I walk on the cobblestones of Corso Vittorio Emanuele. I smell the wet air and listening. Some speak on his own-very-frequent here, the singer, who try to sell me an umbrella, although I have huge cap and scarf on his head, who evidently crunches chestnuts out of season ... Then there is her number one the crazy, the Chinese chick stuck with a languid-eyed girl of only six, maybe seven years. "Please give us something, we're hungry, you see my baby?"
And you I can not imagine how hungry I am, that it was heading straight towards my handsome little body Luini in the throes of a huge rumbling stomach.
"I'm sorry, I'm hungry too, you know? So, money or give them to her, or I eat. "It is not evil eh!
But they did not want to surrender, I swear, he tried to follow me. So I left the bag holding me tight.
What then are these things I greatly on the balls, but that's another story ...

By Zara, a full stomach. Top floor. Three steps holding a dress and new boots. Camerino test. No, do not go well. Change size.
Esco all completely out of order, at the moment with her hair tied back in a sort of tuft broken, of course.
And here's the crazy number two . "But you saw how beautiful that girl? That one, "Do not stay mica talking about me? It is technically impossible, it is indecent. I turn and look. The pretty-well-done speaks loudly with his girlfriend committed: just me, because there was just me there.
"Then that black makeup under her eyes is very nice ... I like a casino, "not content continues undaunted, always a very loud voice, until I'm gone. I go down to pay and he stares at me. And I'm so restless. Submitted at least, to this point.

Esco Zara, rather shocked, and still raining. I rinfilo again the cap on his head and the neck scarf.
I climb on the train, the famous twenty-three. I support my stuff and throw a huge sigh of relief: in less than twenty minutes I'll be home.

... or maybe not.

"ehhh CIRO, DO NOT YOU READ THEM THOSE THAT FUCK PORNO Newspaper ..." He stops and stares at me. It must be the driver of the tram that is close to the side: the fool number three. "Cyrus had to tell me that there was such a bbbbella Miss, I do not want to scandalize mica. With women, it takes good manners, "I smiled proudly and I smile back, but of circumstance. I move a bit 'intimidated deeper. Time number three seconds ...
"But then, how many times do I have to repeat?"
But he had just said that we wanted good manners?
"But how do you do with your wife? We read all these fucking porn comics? Ehhh ... Ciro raccontacela by all! No, no, no, do not hide under there! "Winks, laughs and screams like a madman, like a man in southern Italy that is. Then he starts to leave, obviously you have to march on the other hand is still working ... But it is not over yet. Go back, looks and stares at me. "Miss Happy Easter! Hello, hello, I hope to see you again soon! "At least it's nice ... I smile again, more and circumstance, waving back. And he goes around happy. Apparently not take much to make people happy.
And finally we go.

time, two minutes and a tram stop.

Sale a lord, the fool is number four. He looks around confused, then sits in front. But it does not seem too convinced and in fact stands up, wandering. Maybe look for companionship and, as it turned, it is to sit next to me.
"knows, did not say the number but in the end, poof, came out of nowhere ... "Yeah, he is talking to me. I smile to him, now out of habit, despite not having understood anything about his ramblings.
"always do so now, it's weird. Anyway, here is certainly less cold, is not it? "Less cool thing, where, why? But what have I done wrong in life? I can not get home alright?
"It is absurd because we write SUP 30 min, and then comes ..." Ahhh, now I understand, talking about the tram. Eccheccavolo, this is changed from speech to speech as sorting socks in the same market baskets.
I do not say anything and he continues. He tells me a lot of things, his daughter who is finishing college, he did some shopping, etc. ... And in all this, I simply smile. I do not answer, not even once, I swear.

"Bus stop: Piazza Carlo Erba.
hell broke loose! Home at last.
nod for the last time and get out quickly, waving a sign with the gentleman. I really can not comprehend, should the city to create these 'things'. There are too many examples here.

But oh well ... One hundred and fifty feet and five floors of stairs after I'm finally at home.
I slouched on the couch and decides to tell everything. That perhaps there fregherà nothing, but to me it seemed too absurd to not write it.

Happy Easter, lots of rain and a happy new year!
Oops, that's not happening now, right?


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